The Pure in Heart

  • Duration: 3 minutes
  • Chorus: SATB
  • Instrumentation: Piano
  • Published by: Walton GIA

This is the sixth piece in the Beatitudes collection.  For Patrick, it was easy to feel that he had to use the ‘pure’ key of G Major.  There is a lovely richness created by the falling piano phrases of the opening bars, and it is out of these that the choral melody and supporting harmonies grow.  Performers should, above all, create an atmosphere of stillness and reflection, making sure that vowel sounds are as pure as possible and that the long phrases feel unbroken.  Writing this piece, Patrick could hear it being performed by choirs of all ages in any situation where a period of quiet meditation is required.

Click here for more information about the complete Beatitudes collection >

“Beatitudes [has a] calm, serene beauty and simplicity… Creative and compelling..” GRAMOPHONE

“…capture[s] a mood of enchantment, optimism, and serenity.  Beatitudes [has] character and tenderness.” CHURCH TIMES

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Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.

Words: Matthew 5: 8 ESV

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